Keith GantenbeinMar 6, 2018It's Tax Season & There Are New Tax Laws- Why Choose An Experienced Tax Attorney?Two years ago, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had 74,608 pages in their Tax Code (laws). More pages have been added since then. Is it...
Keith GantenbeinJan 8, 2018Mortgage Applications For Real Estate Closings And Re-Finances May Be Delayed Due To IRS GlitchOn December 8, 2017, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) made changes to its authentication system. This is the system that verifies tax...
Keith GantenbeinJun 23, 2016International Businesses- At Risk? French Tax Authorities Go After Major BusinessesOur own IRS isn’t the only entity to fear when it comes to taxes. Europe has their eye on international businesses as well as wanting...
Keith GantenbeinMar 31, 2015Millions May Not Get Expected Tax RefundWhen workers signed up for Obamacare, they submitted their estimated annual income to qualify for tax subsidies. But 55% of those...