When your business grows, you are opening the doors to endless new opportunities. Our experienced business law attorneys want to help your business grow into the venture you have always dreamed of.
We understand your business may not be able to have a full-time, in-house counsel every day. Gantenbein Law Firm’s objective is to be the law firm who are there whenever you need help or advice. We can act as your general counsel and be on call whenever you have a legal question or legal need.
Our business law lawyers, understand small business. They work tirelessly to help ensure your assets are protected to the fullest extent possible.
Each and every month in the U.S., around 543,000 new businesses are started. In the past year, the U.S. saw a banner year in new businesses and specifically - the expansion of established and start-up businesses. The low unemployment our country is experiencing is due to the solid growth in the economy. This robust business trend is expected to continue and analysts predict an increased optimism and confidence in the economy throughout the year and beyond.
Small businesses, under the new tax law are receiving a 20% tax deduction inspiring tens of thousands of business owners to consider expanding their business. No matter what your business is, if you expand, add to or even want to franchise, there will be legal implications of significance that should be handled by knowledgeable and accomplished business law attorneys. We are those attorneys.
If you are considering a merger or acquisition, our attorneys can help guide you through a realistic and rewarding strategy. This often includes merging or bringing more employees on-board or hiring outside contractors. We provide counsel and details to help you make the decisions needed for a strong and lucrative business. We will review old contracts, create new contracts and agreements to help prevent any legal liability.
Our business law attorneys have the backgrounds to help your business through the often-muddy waters of the financial aspects of growth, mergers and acquisitions. We prepare financial documentation with an astute respect to detail, guide and counsel you through the processes of drafting promissory notes, purchase agreements, contracts and more. We are well versed in the protection of intellectual property, specifically; media marketing, creative ideas, design, non-compete and nondisclosure agreements, trademarks, copyrights and patents.
It’s almost inescapable when expanding a business: there will be disputes with people, employees, vendors and other companies. Gantenbein Law Firm's attorneys will be there through any contract disputes, settlements or litigation.
We want to be a part of your dream - making it come true.
Is it time to expand your business?
You can expand your business by merger, partnership, acquisition and more.
Make sure you expand your business the most successful way by contacting the business lawyers at Gantenbein Law Firm.