Keith A. Gantenbein Jr., is the Owner of Gantenbein Law Firm, specializing in Real Estate Law- including Residential and Commercial Real Estate Issues, HOA Law and Foreclosure Defense- as well as Tax Law Business Law, Civil Litigation, Probate, Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Elder Law and Credit Dispute.
Keith has an extensive real estate background, with deep roots in the community. Keith's grandfather was a contractor that developed much of Wheat Ridge in the 1950s, as well as several areas throughout Denver. In addition, Keith's experience in real estate began while working for his father, a local real estate agent with over 40 years of experience.
Keith began his legal career in HOA law, working for Hindman Sanchez, a large Colorado Homeowner's Association (HOA) law firm. Mr. Gantenbein's experience in HOA collections and HOA foreclosures gives him a valuable approach on how to represent homeowners who have issues with their HOAs, including judicial foreclosure and unreasonable HOA fees. Keith then worked for the largest foreclosure firm in Colorado, Castle Stawiarski, in Denver.
Keith used his vast experience to start his own law firm during the Great Recession. He saw the void in the legal industry: comprehensive, knowledgeable legal service in complex areas of law, to those who were struggling and needed help the most.
Working for these two law firms has given Keith a far-reaching and unique perspective on the challenges in the foreclosure, real estate, HOA and mortgage industry facing Coloradoans in the last recession, as well as issues the unique crisis COVID has brought to Coloradoans today.
Passionate in his mission to provide foreclosure help to Colorado homeowners, he knows all-too-well how one-sided the court system can be in favoring the lender. He dedicated a considerable amount of time in his legal career to changing the system to provide more protection for borrowers and has prevented many foreclosures, keeping families safe at home.
Keith has published hundreds informative articles on his blogs, and has been highlighted in The Denver Post news stories, Wall Street Journal, Westword and the ABA Journal for his support and foreclosure help of Colorado homeowners and amending foreclosure laws. Also seen on Channel & News, ABC News, Fox News, and AOL nationwide, he was again, speaking up for homeowners to improve and revise foreclosure laws. He has volunteered many hours working with the Colorado House and Senate on foreclosure reform, in the drafting of multiple legislative bills designed to provide oversight and protection to homeowners. Keith also taught at multiple seminars and Continuing Legal Education classes for attorneys, including nationwide attorney education conferences.
Mr. Gantenbein was instrumental in the drafting of House Bills 14-1130 and 14-1295, sponsored by Representative Beth McCann and Senator Jesse Ulibarri. These Bills were signed into law and went into effect January 1, 2015.
Mr. Gantenbein was also crucial in drafting and implementing a complete overhaul of C.R.C.P. Rule 120 in Colorado, which was approved by the Supreme Court of Colorado in 2018.
Keith also enjoys practicing Tax Law, which enjoys many similarities to Foreclosure and Real Estate Law, including modifications and restructuring of tax debt.
Keith also enjoys the nuances of Business Law, Probate, Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts and Litigation. His creative problem-solving of complex issues and deep understanding of the law has proved great benefit to his clients since he first started his own law firm.
Keith is admitted to practice law in the State of Colorado, the State of Michigan, the State of Wyoming, the U.S District Court of Colorado and the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals of Colorado.
Keith Gantenbein is also a licensed Colorado realtor. Mr. Gantenbein joins his father's real estate company, which has been in business for 30+ years. Mr. Gantenbein brings his knowledge of real estate law to the realm of real estate brokerage and transactions.
Keith Gantenbein was recently selected as a 2021 Super Lawyers, Rising Star. This is the seventh consecutive year Mr. Gantenbein was selected for this prestigious award: Mr. Gantenbein was previously selected for Super Lawyers in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Colorado Bar​
Michigan Bar
Wyoming Bar
United States District Court, 10th Circuit;
Colorado Court of Appeals.
Licensed Colorado Real Estate Agent
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2021 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state.
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2020 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2019 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2018 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2017 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2016 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Selected to Colorado SuperLawyers, Rising Stars, 2015 - an honor reserved for "no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in a state."
Avvo Client Choice Award, 2012
Avvo Client Choice Award, 2014
Avvo Client Choice Award, 2015
Avvo "10 out of 10" rating
- Front Page, Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_20160083
Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_20167182/colorado-house-committee-kills-foreclosure-bill
ABA Journal: http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/lawyer_who_once_worked_at_colo.s_biggest_foreclosure_firm_says/
​​Wall Street Journal, article on Homeowner Association issue
​Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23199424/lawyers-offer-help-challenge-foreclosure-law
​Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_23219936/us-bank-walks-away-from-foreclosure-aurora-woman?source=pkg
​Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_23220377/banks-right-foreclose-dispute?source=pkg
​Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_25071173/bill-would-require-refunds-overpaid-foreclosure-costs-colorado
- Mortgage Orb, Mortgage System in Colorado, 2013.
​Helped draft House Bill14-1295: Dual-Track Restrictions in Colorado
​Helped draft House Bill12-1130: Remit Unpaid Fees and Costs Incurred in the Foreclosure to Borrower
​Mortgage Orb, The CFPB's Consumer Complaint Narratives: How Damaging Are They?, June 21, 2015.
​​C.R.C.P Rule 120 in the Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, providing commentary on the Rule with sample forms., Author, Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, Thompson West, Civil Litigation, 2018
​​Chapter on C.R.C.P Rule 120 in the Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, providing commentary on the Rule with sample forms., Author, Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, Thompson West, Civil Litigation, 2019
​Chapter on C.R.C.P Rule 105 in the Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, providing commentary on the Rule with sample forms., Author, Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, Thompson West, Civil Litigation, 2019
​Chapter on C.R.C.P Rule 105.1 in the Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, providing commentary on the Rule with sample forms., Author, Colorado Civil Procedure Forms and Commentary, Thompson West, Civil Litigation, 2019
​Colorado Foreclosure Practice Guide, Lexis Nexis, 2020.
- Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, June, 2015
Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, May, 2015
​Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, April, 2015
​Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, March, 2015
​Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, Jan, 2015
​Supreme Court of Colorado, Civil Rules Sub-Committee, In Re: Rule 120, 2014
​Testimony for House Bill 1156, Colorado General Assembly, 2012
​Testimony for House Bill 1249, Colorado General Assembly, 2013
​Testimony for House Bill 1130, Colorado General Assembly, 2014
​Testimony for House Bill 1130, Colorado Senate, 2014
​Testimony for House Bill 1295, Colorado General Assembly, 2014
​Testimony for House Bill 1295, Colorado Senate, 2014
​Colorado Foreclosure Defense CLE Course: El Paso County Bar Association, March 2012
​Colorado Foreclosure Defense Foreclosure Teach-In, 2012
​Foreclosure Crisis Seminar: Colorado University Law School, September 2013
​Colorado Foreclosure Defense CLE Course: Colorado Consumer Bankruptcy Association, March 2013
​19th Annual Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference, National CLE, Jan. 2014
​Ethical Implications in the Mortgage Industry, February 2014
​Industry update in Real Estate and Foreclosure Prevention, specifically regarding loan modification workouts, Legislative updates and industry trends., Speaker, Quarterly Meeting, Colorado Foreclosure Prevention Task Force, 2014
​CLE regarding CFPB Rules, Legislative updates in Real Estate, Representing Homeowners in Foreclosures, Speaker, CLE, Debtor's Rights, CCBA, CCBA, Real Estate, 2014
​Colorado Foreclosure Hotline: loan modifications & Colorado foreclosure law update, Oct. 2014
​Public Trustee Convention: Dual-tracking & HB14-1295, Oct. 2014
​20th Annual Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference, National CLE, Jan. 2015
​Pro Bono Legal Clinic for Spanish-Speaking Denver Community regarding Renter & Tenant rights; Sponsored by Colorado Housing Connects and Focus Family Resource; Jan. 2015
​Pro Bono Legal Clinic regarding Landlord/Tenant Legal Issues; Sponsored by Brothers ReDevelopment and Colorado Housing Connects, Feb., 2015
​Continuing Education seminar for Colorado Realtors regarding new CFPB Rules for Loan Estimates and Closing Disclosures; Sponsored by Remax and Heritage Title Company; March, 2015
​Continuing Education seminar for Colorado Realtors regarding new CFPB Rules for Loan Estimates and Closing Disclosures; Sponsored by Remax and Heritage Title Company; April, 2015
​Continuing Education seminar for Colorado Realtors regarding new CFPB Rules for Loan Estimates and Closing Disclosures; Sponsored by Remax and Heritage Title Company; June, 2015
​(CLE) Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: New RESPA, TILA guidelines for Loss Mit and Loan Servicing: Top RESPA, TILA and HMDA Oversights: What the CFPB and State Regulators are Looking For; Loss Mitigation/Loan Modification, Refinancing and Foreclosure- New State and Federal Requirements and Mortgage Servicing and Error-Resolution Process; Sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI); July, 2015.
​(CLE) Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Top 9 Complications in Bankruptcy: Leaves of Automatic Stay, Court Dismissals; Sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI); December 14, 2015.
​Met with city officials and gave advice regarding the foreclosure overbid proceeds process in colorado- in which overbid proceeds go to the person who lost their home in foreclosure- and why it should be illegal to allow 3rd party persons not a party to that foreclosure to collect a percentage of these overbid process. This issue was brought to the attention state legislators, who created House Bill 16-1090.. HB-16-1090 was signed into law by Gov. Hickenlooper on 4/15/2016.
​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Development Law, From Start to Finish: Obtaining Financing for Real Estate Developments; Distressed Developments; Sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI); March 1, 2016.
​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: The Attorneys' Guide To Real Estate Closings; Sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI); September 12, 2016.
​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: New TRID Rules: Keep Real Estate Transactions on Track; Sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI); April 14, 2018.
​​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Closing Disasters: Avoiding the Top Mistakes, National Business Institute, Real Estate, May, 2018
​​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Transactions Due Diligence and Negotiations, National Business Institute, Real Estate, April, 2019
​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Transactions A-Z, National Business Institute, Real Estate, May, 2019
​​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Law From Start to Finish, National Business Institute, Real Estate, November, 2019
​​(CLE) National Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers: Real Estate Development Law From Start to Finish, National Business Institute, Real Estate, August, 2020
​​(CLE) Real Estate Boot Camp For ParaLegals, National Business Institute, Real Estate, September 30, 2020