Denver IRS Tax Lien Attorney
IRS Liens & Levies / Federal Tax Liens
Contact our Denver tax lien attorneys at 303-618-2122 to negotiate a release of your tax lien or levy.
If you owe taxes, the IRS may seize your assets to satisfy the debt due. The IRS may garnish your bank account, wages, or property.
An IRS lien is a claim used for security of the tax debt.
An IRS levy is an actual taking, or seizure, of your property to satisfy your tax debt. The IRS may seize either real or personal property, including: your home, car, boat, retirement accounts, wages, rental income, accounts receivable, life insurance, sales commissions, dividends and licenses.
In order to avoid a tax lien or levy, you should contact a Denver tax lien attorney immediately. Our attorney will respond to your Notice and Demand for Payment or your Notice of Intent to Levy.
Our experienced Denver tax lien attorneys may appeal on your behalf, apply for hardship on your behalf to release the lien or levy, or set up an IRS payment plan on your behalf. There are other options as well, each depending on the individual's financial circumstance.
Gantenbein Law Firm's tax liens attorney is located in Denver, and serve all of Colorado. We are highly skilled and experienced with helping people with their unique tax needs. If you are facing a tax lien or levy, contact our Denver tax attorney to get immediate tax debt relief.
State Tax Liens

The State of Colorado may also be able to seize your property if you don't pay your taxes.
If you don't pay your property taxes on your real property, the country treasurer can sell your tax lien to the highest bidder. The highest bidder is most often an investor, although sometimes no one bids on the property and it goes to the county.
You have a certain period of time (in Colorado, 3 years) to pay off the tax lien face value, redemption interest, redemption fee, subsequent year endorsement fee if any, and any other fees associated with the deed process, plus the taxes due after the sale of the tax lien. You pay the investor who bought the tax lien, or the county. If you don' pay off the tax debt, plus the interest and fees, the investor or the county can obtain title to your home.
Cities in Colorado may also place service liens on your property if you do not pay service bills, i.e. water or sewer bills. If you do not pay the service lien, the lien will be sold at the tax lien auction and a tax lien will be placed on the property. You also have a 3 year redemption period on service liens in Colorado.
Local municipalities may also place tax liens for unpaid local income taxes.
If you are facing delinquent taxes on your property, there are ways to try and reduce your tax debt. Talk to an experienced tax lien attorney that understands property liens and service liens to see if you can minimize any of your tax debt, and to make sure your successfully redeem your property within the statutory time period.
Colorado Resources for State Tax Liens:
Denver County Department of Finance, for Property Tax Lien Information in Denver County
Denver County: to pay your property taxes online
Denver County: to search for your property tax account online
Douglas County: to search for your property tax account online
Jefferson County: to search for your property tax account online
Tax Liens Over 1 Million
When you, or your businesses, or your estate, does not pay taxes, the IRS can file a tax lien against your personal or real property. This tax lien is a powerful tool that can take away your home, your car, and future wages or earnings. Tax liens are always of the highest priority- above all other liens. You must pay off the lien in full, plus interest and fees, or negotiate a settlement with the IRS, before the lien will be released. If you do not pay off the lien, it continues to encumber your home (preventing such things as refinancing or loan modifications), garnish your wages, and can lead to possible jail time.
While it may seem daunting to owe the IRS over 1 million dollars, there are ways an experienced tax lien attorney can reduce your tax debt, and negotiate with the IRS. Our tax lawyer, who holds his L.L.M. ( a Masters in Tax Law), is experienced with businesses and individuals with over 50 million in tax debt.
Bankruptcy often does not help with tax liens. If the taxes that triggered the tax lien are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, the tax lien remains undisturbed. There is also a strict and narrow test that allows for tax liens to be qualified for discharge in bankruptcy. Other times, the benefits of negotiating a settlement, or reducing your tax lien debt, is greater than a risk of bankruptcy to a business. It is best to fully discuss all of your options with a qualified tax attorney so that you can make an educated decision on what the best choice is for you or your business.
Our experienced Denver tax lien attorneys will ensure that no tax lines were filed erroneously and without merit, as well as make any business adjustments, such as with payroll taxes, to minimize taxes in the future.
Our Denver, Colorado tax lien attorney is highly skilled in removing high asset tax liens. His prior employment experience includes working for the Internal Revenue Service, and this brings an invaluable skill set to our clients. He also holds an LLM, the highest degree in Tax Law one can receive. For a consultation, call 303-618-2122.
Liens & Foreclosures
A tax lien foreclosure is a way the government, state or federal, uses to take the property of someone who has not paid taxes, either property taxes or service taxes or federal or state income taxes.
A statutory lien is first placed against the property of the person who has failed to pay taxes.
State and local taxes, such as property tax, have a very specific tax lien sale procedure as discussed above. The tax lien is often sold and auction and there are very specific time frames and procedures for a tax lien holder to take title to a property.
A federal tax lien can be a bit more complex with regards to scope and procedure. Generally, these liens can be attached to any property. As with any lien, they may be foreclosed judicially like most judgment liens. However, a foreclosure by the IRS on a tax lien is rare and a good attorney can usually negotiate a release of of the lien via a repayment plan or offer in compromise.
It is important to also research and obtain advice on the impact of a foreclosure on a tax lien. When a senior lien holder sells a taxpayer’s property to enforce its lien, this "foreclosure sale" may discharge a federal tax lien in certain situations. Such foreclosure sales can be either a judicial sale (i.e., pursuant to a judicial proceeding) or a nonjudicial sale.
Tax Liens For Purchase For Real Estate Investors
After you buy your tax lien, and the redemption period has expired without the tax debt being paid off, you can use your certificate of purchase to obtain title to the property that had the tax lien.
Our tax attorneys can assist with the process of obtaining title to the property.
After you obtain title to the property, our attorneys can also make sure the property is legally recorded and transferred to you or your trust.
You may also want to speak to our tax attorneys to make sure you don't have tax implications from your recent real estate acquisitions.
You may also wish to speak to our trusts attorneys or business attorneys to make sure your real estate is protected in a trust or entity to protect you from liability if you choose to use it for rental income, or protect from creditors, or other liabilities.
For a consultation of your case for any of the above legal issues, contact our attorneys at 303-618-2122.
Other Areas of Tax Law we Practice Include:
Tax Litigation
Tax Re-Payment Plans
Offer in Compromise
Criminal Tax Defense
OffShore Assets
Stopping IRS Wage Garnishments
Collection Action
Tax Exempt Organizations
Business and Employer Tax Issues
IRS Audits
IRS Investigations
Estate Taxes
U.S. Tax Court
IRS Tax Debt Relief
Net Profits Tax Returns
Termination Assessments
Payroll Taxes
Trust Fund Taxes
Sales Taxes
and more.